For more than three years, we have regularly published articles on our blog about caring leadership. It was a great experience for us. We have tremendously enjoyed the discussions, often face to face or via e-mail with some of our readers and friends.
However, now the time has come for us to move on. Heinz Landau has just set up a company in the Philippines called Yes, People Matter!, Inc. that will offer leadership consulting & training. He will continue to blog together with his new colleagues on the homepage of his company.
www.yespeoplematter.com will go live on January 11, 2013. If you are interested, you can subscribe to the new blog of Heinz at that time.
Stephan Polomski will focus further on his career. He continues to emphasize on the implementation and holistic living of caring leadership at his work place.
We would like to thank our guest bloggers who have made valuable contributions to our blog.
And we are forever grateful to you, our dear readers, for having found time to follow our blog and to read our articles on a regular basis.
We hope that we were able to create some value for you at one or the other occasion. And we would be very happy, if, in the meantime, you had also become strong advocates of caring leadership and were living it more and more in your daily life.
We wish you a Merry Christmas, all the best in the New Year and lots of success in your business and your private life!
Heinz Landau Stephan Polomski
Thanks a lot and what a pitty.
It always has been a highlight to read your articles.
I wish both of you all the best for the coming season and for the rest of your life.
We will stay in contact.
Thanks, take care, follow your path and enjoy
Michael Nothdurft
Lieber Herr Nothdurft,
vielen Dank fuer Ihre netten Worte und natuerlich auch fuer Ihre tollen Gastbeitraege.
Wuensche Ihnen weiterhin alles Gute! Und wie Sie schon sagten, wir sollten in Kontakt bleiben.
Herzliche Gruesse, Heinz Landau
My trip to the Colbert Report last night was a failure. They gave us VIP (whatever?) tkeicts to another show date of our choice though.But I did get to see a Broadway musical instead, so I guess those 5 hours of driving weren’t completely useless.
I call this Plan B. When I talk to people about this, I alayws get the same reaction: Oh that’s terrible !. Really, Plan B is a good thing. When something isn’t working out, I immediately shift into another flow and go with it. By doing this I have safed many hours of anxiety and grief. Now, it is so natural that I do not notice that I am doing it. Plan B is a good thing! Make it your Plan A.